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I don't entirely remember the use of that skull but I do know it dropped that super broken halberd with 100 of 2 hit areas I think or something close to that lol.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6853, old post ID:39609
Skull of elements used to be a drop from the nearby elemental spawn but all special skull drops (grease, orcs, elemental) were changed to just the 6 needed to spawn the harrower. The elemental skull was used to summon a Demitel boss there, back when Demitel bosses were found at different places around the world.
The boss can be added to the dark palace area again if it's no longer there. Some things still linger around the world from the times Brunus was a developer for the shard. Unfortunately much of that was lost but I do remember some things. I may try and rebuild some of the relics of the past and expand on the lore at some point.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6853, old post ID:39610
that halberd is a fantastic arty and I would very much enjoy doing that boss more frequently if possible. whether the original way or through the Demi palace.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6853, old post ID:39611
I can create a new arena and add it to the demitel palace for the time being. At some point I think I'd like to finish the work Brunus had started, based on what I can remember of the dark palace and the lore behind the Demitel bosses.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6853, old post ID:39613
The elemental lord is now on a spawner just outside of dungeon Wrong in Felucca, temporarily until he can be located to a new arena in the dark palace. Should spawn about once a day.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6853, old post ID:39616
And he's camping the healer for all the res kills.
So that's fun.
Is that the normal version of that guy or a nerfed version? cuz damn.
Sorry I asked about it. :O
I'll pop a healer inside the building to dungeon wrong. It's possible it's the original version, the elemental lord tends to get overlooked as a Demitel boss as it followed an older style of spawning him that was the original way Brunus had designed him.
Red, can you confirm if the power/hp of the elemental lord was nerfed with the recent quality of life update?
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6853, old post ID:39627