Building a shed

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Building a shed

Post by Red Squirrel »

Due to city bylaws and other bureaucracy I can't place a 18x18 plot, so went with a 8x12. :P

Broke ground today.


I farmed for lumber for a while using a macro script:



Some assembly required.

I am doing a time lapse of the whole build so once it's done I'll put it all together and make a video.

My attached garage (where lumber is in now) has been acting as a shed, but I want to use the garage for a shop for woodworking etc so my goal is to build this shed, store stuff in it, then start working on the garage. I want to insulate and put hvac so I can use it all year round. I have lot of smaller projects such as new computer desk that I've been wanting to build for a long time but it's hard when the garage is full of stuff.

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Building a shed

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Did a bit of progress today, does not look like much but I did not work on it all day. I did intend on that, but had to do a few trips to HD when I realized I forgot a few things, like uhh joist hangers. Typical me I always forget or miscount something. :P


I still need to square it off and adjust the 6x6 beams at the bottom. Really once the floor is done I think the rest is going to go faster. It's critical to get everything straight and square and also in the right location (lined up with house) everything after that I just base on the work I already did.

Suppose those blocks should have been a little closer to the ends though, kind of realizing that now. But think it will be fine.

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Building a shed

Post by Red Squirrel »

A bit of progress on my shed so far this week. I'm a little slow, but the floor is all done!

Put some plywood in each joist cavity to hold insulation and act as rodent block: (don't mind the big piece on top it was just stored there overnight)


Floor all done:

Might rain tonight so covered it up:

Doing this a little overkill by insulating it but I may potentially want to put some electronic equipment in there at some point like a solar setup and a backup NAS or something. So this extra step did add a bit more initial work for the floor.

Tomorrow I may take a break, if not, trusses are the next thing to start on so I can set them aside and have them ready when the walls are up. I can use the platform as a place to template them. Saw a video where they basically use small pieces of 1x2 screwed in the floor to build a jig so probably going to do that.

I really got lucky with the weather though, so far it has not rained. Suppose to tonight though, I hope it clears up by morning. It's a little too hot out for my taste but I won't complain at this point. This was the perfect week to take off. Totally lucked out.

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Building a shed

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Keeps raining, then my vacation ended, so now I pretty much need to work on it any day I get lucky that it's not raining. Ended up finishing the trusses today after work, worked pretty much till it got dark.


Off again starting tomorrow but of course with my luck it's suppose to rain every single day that I'm off.

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Building a shed

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Finally got a non rain day where I'm off. Started on the walls. Was suppose to be another good day tomorrow but now it changed to rain. :/ Glad I did not start actually installing the walls, as it would make it harder to tarp the plywood properly. Not so worried about the 2x4s getting wet, it's the plywood.


Got 2 more 8' wall sections to build then I can assemble it all. Also did not realize how heavy a wall section would be. Those arn't easy to move.

I'm bummed that the forecast changed for tomorrow. Was suppose to be dry but now it's saying it will rain all day. So sick of this rain. Trying to get a day that I'm off where it also does not rain is like waiting for all the planets to align.

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Building a shed

Post by Red Squirrel »

Quick update, been a while since I could work on this because of rain/time off lining up right. It's finally cold enough that it does not rain as much, snows instead.

Shed walls are done, installed, squared off, and solid.

Downside of working in winter is having to shovel before I can even start/get to the work site. Then I also had to do the actual driveway. So used up a lot of time doing that.

Started a bit on the walls yesterday but had to stop early, so this was this morning. Rest are today.




Debating on calling it quits for the year. Just need to protect the floor from rain and spring snow melt. Might paint it, if I broom it very good to get rid of the snow and then wait for a day it does not snow I can probably get away with using oil based paint or something.

It's pretty much Christmas time, I just want to take that time to relax and wind down. I always end up being caught up with some kind of project and don't really enjoy the season. I did not even put my decorations up yet and it's almost December.

On the other hand it would be awesome to finish it to the point that I can put stuff in it, so I can start on the garage throughout winter. There's always after Christmas, it's colder, but we don't really get the super extreme cold anymore like we used to.

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Building a shed

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I put the trusses up today. Got up earlier hoping to do plywood and tar paper too but it took way longer than I figured. Tricky to know if they're straight as no easy way to use a frame square or do the right triangle check. So I used the spacers as a guide which more or less worked but it's not perfectly level. Good enough, I guess. :P Suppose to rain tomorrow so that sucks. Literally just one day, but enough to ruin everything and add a thick layer of ice making it so I can't put the sheeting on without it leaving a gap in spring. At some point if I feel inclined I'll go up there with a heat gun and melt it all, but otherwise think I will call it quits for the year and resume in spring. I don't like the floor being exposed like that though but I'll just shovel it throughout the year so there's not too much water in spring. I plan to add another layer on top anyway.



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Building a shed

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Hoping to put the plywood and protective layers tomorrow, then it will be winterised. Because of global warming we get rain even in winter now, so need to have it properly protected.

Finishing touches like soffit and siding I'll do in spring.

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Building a shed

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Have not updated this in a while. I have all the plywood up now. Just missing a few spots and need to put in more screws (ran out, need to go buy more next time I have time off) then I can put the house wrap and call it a year. I'll do the rest in summer.








Our winters are pure trash now because of global warming, so much wet weather, so I'm glad it's mostly protected from the elements now. The final touches and house wrap will make a big difference as right now it's a bit leaky from the driving rain but overall quite decent. I actually left my tools and stuff in it, so next time I work on it I won't need as much prep as everything I need will be there.

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Building a shed

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Officially wrapped up (literally) for the season. I still need to do siding, shingles, and some stuff inside like electrical, shelves etc but I'll do that in spring. For inside I may end up finishing the walls as it will be easier to do it right away if I'm going to put shelves. But I'll play it by ear. I also want to add a secondary plywood layer for the floor and then weather proof it for when I walk in wet shoes or if something leaks etc.







I have a beard now, too. :P

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Building a shed

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Needs more waterfalls.

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Building a shed

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Nah I just use PlayUO so I can H4x the game and cast spells through the walls.

We build shed to fight like man!

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Building a shed

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Time lapse of the build:

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Building a shed

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Now that the snow has melted I've been working a bit on and off on this.

So far I did the shingles, finished taping house wrap, and added some electrical running off a temporary solar setup. I eventually want to put panels on the roof and get a bigger charge controller, inverter and battery. I want to do the house eventually so this will act as a smaller scale test to see how viable it is here.

Need to do soffits and siding, and a ramp, and then it will be more or less done. Might do finishing touches inside like adding shelving and hooks to hang stuff and what not.








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Building a shed

Post by Ixxie »

so...brick? fieldstone? wood and plaster?

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Building a shed

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Oh forgot to update this. Siding is now installed! Also did soffits and fascia (all the metal stuff on top)




I had 2 weeks off, but it went by WAY too fast, this is pretty much the only thing I did. I hardly saw the 2nd week. It's like I went to bed on Sunday and woke up on Thursday. I feel like I only got a few days because of how fast it went.

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Building a shed

Post by Ixxie »

nice job buddy!

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Building a shed

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Thanks, looking forward to organizing everything in there and clearing the garage. That's my next project, I want to insulate the garage and turn it into a workshop, but there's too much stuff in there right now.

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Building a shed

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Ramp is done!



At this point it's more or less done, just need to do some stuff inside like shelving, and then I can start organizing everything. Debating on if I do the permanent solar system now, or wait. I'm probably going to end up waiting. Though I'm looking at getting roof solar panels at the very least for this year. I will just tie them into the existing charge controller provided it can handle the voltage. I THINK it's ok to give a charge controller more amps than what it can handle as it's only going to draw what it can, but I will need to do more research. I do plan to get a beefier charge controller. The one I have is like maybe 7 amps or something.

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Building a shed

Post by Ixxie »

you're going to install your own SOLAR SYSTEM :o:

with like...planets and shit :o: :o:

evil genius :twisted:

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Building a shed

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Shelves are in! Took a while, since it was always so hot out so was not working on it.

Went with a rather simplistic design, but it's strong enough, I can sit on those fine. I made the side ones high enough so I can easily walk under so it does not feel clausterphobic, and leaves plenty of room for things that can just hang off the wall.

Now I need to actually organize everything. I just threw everything randomly for now to get the floor less cluttered. Lot of that stuff is tools etc that won't actually be stored there once it's fully done. That's another thing I need to organize, my tools. They're all over the place, some in the house, some in the shed, some in the garage... That's a whole other project and a half.






Oh and the really crude temporary solar setup:


Eventually that will be in a proper panel, and I'll have some automation to monitor voltage, shut power if it's low, etc. That black box used to do just that, but I moved to a bigger charge controller and battery so not using that box anymore.

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Building a shed

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Started on the roof solar system. It's rain season so not getting much done but I did manage to get the racking and one panel up. Will have to take it down and readjust stuff and possibly look at rust proofing the unistrut as it's already starting to rust, but at least I'm more or less set now.

Next step will be to wire things more properly as its temporary right now.





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Building a shed

Post by Red Squirrel »

Forgot to update this. All solar panels are up and wired in. 400w total rating. I get around 50w actual since we don't get lot of sun here.


This is an older pic, we have snow on the ground now.

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Building a shed

Post by ggkthx »

If things in the US keep going the way they are going could I maybe come rent out your shed?

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Building a shed

Post by Red Squirrel »

Haha yeah things are pretty toxic politically in the states right now. :o: It's not perfect here but not even close to as bad.

Weed is legal now too. :D Speaking of which... might need to move some stuff around in the shed to make room if you want to move in.

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