The Vesper museum collection exists, woot!
However, I couldn't help but notice that the Britannian Library one does not.
The rewards seem like mostly junk imo, but if it wasn't hard to turn on it might still be worth doing?
And does the Moonglow zoo collection exist?
Some comments on that one, if it exists or would be added, could it be made less ridiculous??
I was looking it over and if your goal was just to collect one of each reward statue you would need to turn in nearly 16,000 dragons or 93 MILLION gold. Assuming you're awesome and can go tame a dragon and drop it off in 5 min you're looking at almost 2 months of dragon turning in, if you played 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That's insane. If somehow dragons gave you trouble, fear not! You need a mere 140,000 polar bears. Seriously, where the hell is the zoo putting all these polar bears? They must be feeding them to the 16,000 dragons.
If you were more of a completionist and wanted to collect the armor sets, but skipped the titles cuz really, who has time for that? You'd need to bring over 42,000 dragons to dragon day care or part with a meager 253.5 million gold.
Does no one at EA own a calculator?? Anyway, long story short, I'm interested in the zoo turn in collection, for collectible and decorative purposes, but I don't know that anyone in their right mind is interested at those prices. I'm not even in my right mind and I'd still pass on that.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6703, old post ID:39045