Flightaware.com flightfeeder ADS-B receiver

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Red Squirrel
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Flightaware.com flightfeeder ADS-B receiver

Post by Red Squirrel »

Saw an ad where they will send you this device for free, it basically listens for aircraft transponder messages which is known as ADS-B, it's a fairly new protocol that is used to make it better to track airplanes. The site takes data from various sources including people that setup this device, so decided it was something neat to play with and ordered one. (it's free).

The antenna should be outside as it's better to have line of sight, but for now I put it in the attic given it's winter and I am in no position to start erecting a mast or drilling anything as it would be too cold to do that. So I just built a rudimentary antenna stand and put it in the attic, and I'm actually getting a decent amount of data. At least for high altitude aircraft. I got some that are at least like 300km out!

Screenshot of interface.

Stuff out of the box. I had originally tested it with the small desk antenna that is supplied and was picking up decent stuff even with that.

Don't turn it on, take it appaaaaart! I did not want or really need to go any further than that, but basically it's a Raspberry PI and the LCD module just plugs into the header pins. Then there is the radio module that is USB.

Antenna on stand ready to go in attic,



While I'm here, I got rid of a mouse that was in the traps. That setup alerts me if a trap goes off and there had been one in there for a while that I just never bothered to go up for.

The unit setup in my server rack: (pulled it out to show)

My goal is to eventually put a mast outside, probably when I build a shed, I'll put the mast on the shed or something. Though given the reception I get with it in the attic I might just leave it there, now that I ran the wire and everything.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6680, old post ID:38956
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Red Squirrel
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Flightaware.com flightfeeder ADS-B receiver

Post by Red Squirrel »

I started feeding data to http://www.adsbexchange.com too now, funny thing is I seem to be the only person in my area feeding to that site, so I'm literally in charge of that chunk of the map. :P

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6680, old post ID:38957
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