The turkeys and giant turkeys have returned this Thanksgiving.
Help rid Ilshenar of these voracious birds!
This event will run between November 23, 2016 - Dec 31, 2016
Please report any issues or concerns you may have and we will do our best to address them.

There are 5 different kinds of turkeys
Lesser Turkey
These smaller turkeys show "a turkey" above their names. They don't have much health and are not much of a threat. These are the most common of all the turkeys. You may be able to find bronze and silver roulette tokens on their corpses.
Turkey Leader
Beware! These turkeys look just like the lesser turkeys, that is, until they are killed. These turkeys will burst into multiple copies of themselves, posing more of a threat than lesser turkeys. You can quickly get overrun if you aren't careful. These turkeys can also drop bronze and silver roulette tokens on their corpse with a better success rate than the lesser turkeys. They also have more loot on their corpses.
Giant Turkey
These giant turkeys are the strongest of the regular turkeys in the turkey clan. They have a lot of health and are strong fighters. Killing one will always reward a roulette token or horn of plenty (goes directly in your pack). Tokens range in rarity from the bronze token to the highly valuable platinum token!
Turkey Minion
An annoying minion summoned by Grosse Giblet's eggs. Although these are relatively weak, they do have a pecking ability that can cause continuous damage, disrupting spell casting.
Grosse Giblets the Huge
The big boss of all the turkeys! This turkey is no joke. Grosse Giblets have tons of health and nasty abilities. It will take a long time to take one of these down but you can get some unique rewards from it:
Special Drops (Off Grosse Giblet. Horn of Plenty also drops on Giant Turkeys)
Abominable Wishbone:
A scepter with spell channeling (no penalty), faster casting 1, mage weapon -0 and weapon damage 35%
Tuft of Feathers:
A wooden kite shield with spell challenging (no penalty), defense chance increase 5%, lower requirements 100%, reflect physical damage 5% and 15% physical resist
Horn of Plenty:
A decorative lockdown themed for Thanksgiving. Locking it down in your house and double clicking it will give you all kinds of edibles such as ears of corn, french bread, squash, pumpkins and a cooked bird.
Gravy Boat:
A boat shaped vessel to hold your gravy!
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6674, old post ID:38944