Updating shard to support latest client [postponed]

Information on new updates to the shard as well as what's to come
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Red Squirrel
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Updating shard to support latest client [postponed]

Post by Red Squirrel »

I'm in the very early stages of looking into what it takes to get the shard updated so the latest client can work. This will hopefully make it easier to get new players to join. I can't say how hard or easy it will be to do, I'm hoping it's just a few packet changes and done.

Just thought I'd post this as a heads up, since once I push that update you will need to patch. I will make a separate post once that update goes through though. It may go in with other content as well depending on how long it takes to make this change.

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Updating shard to support latest client [postponed]

Post by ninja2007 »

red it would probably be better just to update to a new SVN then redo everything because i have done the same thing expect for certain properties of UOvalor. i can help you if need be

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Updating shard to support latest client [postponed]

Post by Death »

ninja2007 wrote:red it would probably be better just to update to a new SVN then redo everything because i have done the same thing expect for certain properties of UOvalor. i can help you if need be

This is similar to the route we are taking but it will take time to incorporate everything as we need to consider custom modifications. Red is investigating packet changes from different distributions in order to update things to support newer clients.

We cannot completely redo everything as our core has been customized over 5+ years when a lot of these modifications did not exist (ML didnt even exist at the time). We need to play a bit of catch up and look into the good, bad and ugly differences between what we have and what other distributions have.

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Updating shard to support latest client [postponed]

Post by Red Squirrel »

What Death said.

We have way too much customized stuff. It's easier to implement what's missing than redo what we did. Our distro is not really RunUO anymore, it's been changed a lot over the years. We have major plans to redo some other systems too.

I'm not good at reverse engineering stuff, so that's why I let someone else do that, and then I can look at the code to see what the packets do and make it do the same on our end.

Though I did find a feature in razor which allows to take packet dumps so that can come in handy too, but no need to do that when I can look at existing source.

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Updating shard to support latest client [postponed]

Post by Red Squirrel »

I've actually decided to postpone/cancel this. For now we will stick with the older client. There are lot of major changes that tie into all sorts of stuff and there is not enough benifit to updating this to make the time worthwhile. I actually have other projects I want to work on and was starting to just spend too much time on this.

I may attempt it in the future but for now we will stick with this older client, and new users can simply download from the site.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6591, old post ID:38521
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Updating shard to support latest client [postponed]

Post by ninja2007 »

i have it completely finished....

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Updating shard to support latest client [postponed]

Post by ninja2007 »

everything expect for like the SQL saves and huge systems like that but the delay system super AI and AoAs are disabled but one flip but the thing is i dont know how the saves would react considering a whole new core and player mobile update you literally might lose everything but i could help in the back end if you need help im a pretty decent at upgrading packets and servers to the newest clients. it took me about 3 days of studying and upgrading them to update from the client.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6591, old post ID:38524
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Updating shard to support latest client [postponed]

Post by Death »

ninja2007 wrote:everything expect for like the SQL saves and huge systems like that but the delay system super AI and AoAs are disabled but one flip but the thing is i dont know how the saves would react considering a whole new core and player mobile update you literally might lose everything but i could help in the back end if you need help im a pretty decent at upgrading packets and servers to the newest clients. it took me about 3 days of studying and upgrading them to update from the client.
You can try having red take a look at the changes you've done. The biggest issue would be to make sure that nothing is lost in the process as it would potentially wipe out something on the live server. If it were a clean install it would be a non issue.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6591, old post ID:38525
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Updating shard to support latest client [postponed]

Post by Red Squirrel »

ninja2007 wrote:i have it completely finished....
I have it working on a test shard already, but due to the high customizations of AoV even at the core it's more involved than just dropping a few scripts in place. I will probably look at it again when I decide I want to take more time, but I had other stuff I wanted to move on to.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6591, old post ID:38526
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Updating shard to support latest client [postponed]

Post by ninja2007 »

oh i know its more then just a couple drag and drops i had to completely recode somethings. but i have valor running upto date without sql saves i can finish the rest of it if you like and send it to you.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6591, old post ID:38527
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Updating shard to support latest client [postponed]

Post by ninja2007 »

but ill understand if you dont want my help.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6591, old post ID:38528