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I would join up up if there would be someone to do some champ spawns with. I am not on 24-7 but I get on and play after work at night and weekends the most. I am logged into chat whenever I am playing. Most times my character names are:
Ferris Bueller
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5098, old post ID:32955
Playing again, and thinking of doing some more recruiting.
Pretty much only 1 requirement: Don't be an idiot.
Well, ok two: Also don't be a whiny obnoxious crybaby. In game or on the forums.
Other than that, skill, character templates, items, etc are all things we can help you with so you just need to have a good attitude and not be annoying.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5098, old post ID:35506
I didn't choose the Fel life, the Fel life chose me.
Bumping this post, Once again. RUN is recruiting I am on often, if not always.
In-Game Character's are;
Toxic Shock
Al Capone
Courrupted Spawns.
Pm me on fourms.
Only a couple requirements;
You must be active, say...3-5 days a week.
You can't constantly complain about everything
We don't want to hear about how terrible everything is for you.
-Al Capone.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5098, old post ID:36550
You also must be decently self sufficient, Bubbles and I wont mind helping you out with a couple things however, we do not want to suit you teach you how to play and then you quit
-Al Capone.
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5098, old post ID:36553
Shanks wrote:You also must be decently self sufficient, Bubbles and I wont mind helping you out with a couple things however, we do not want to suit you teach you how to play and then you quit
-Al Capone.
But i am new and i want monies and stuffs plese.... loooks at my post count, I r veeeeery new.... Helps me please?
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5098, old post ID:36774
Shanks wrote:You also must be decently self sufficient, Bubbles and I wont mind helping you out with a couple things however, we do not want to suit you teach you how to play and then you quit
-Al Capone.
But i am new and i want monies and stuffs plese.... loooks at my post count, I r veeeeery new.... Helps me please?
I take it back, this guy sounds legit and is clearly exactly what we're looking for.
Just make sure you constantly complain about being bored and ask all the time for things that a 90 minute old character should be able to go get for themselves.
Bonus points for asking for obscure jewels and high end artifacts, each one of which is 'the only thing you need' to be fully suited.
And make sure that if we somehow spend all of our time building your suit for you that you then never log in anymore and become just an offline storage depot for gear.
That really helps keep the item count down in the guild houses, thanks!
Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5098, old post ID:38130
I didn't choose the Fel life, the Fel life chose me.