Iceteks Forums Migration Progress

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Red Squirrel
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Iceteks Forums Migration Progress

Post by Red Squirrel »

Been working on the account management system. Keeping it simple for now, the only reason I'm even doing an account management system is that I just want a 1 stop shop for any other systems I create where it requires a login. I want 1 login to work for everything. Easier for users and easier for me (stopping spammers etc).

Once I feel the basic account functions work (creation, password reset, email change, that kind of thing) then I will proceed with the linking system, where various web apps can authenticate with the system via https. This should not be too complicated. At this point I just need to test everything, then tweak the forum migration script, and we should be ready to go!

Given my prediction is that the forum stays pretty dead my motivation level has been pretty low but at the same time I kinda want to get it done and hope some old timers come back.

The forum will also act as a place for myself to post and update on various projects. A blog, if you will.

Once this is done, and proven I plan to move on to other projects. I feel every time I want to start a project I have this lingering thing in the back of my head telling me "but you should be working on the forum!" And instead I just end up browsing Reddit all day. :P

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6558, old post ID:39202
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Iceteks Forums Migration Progress

Post by Red Squirrel »

I actually wanted to work on this, but for whatever reason the entire forum broke right in my dev environment. It worked last time I worked on it, and now it just completely died. Pages don't load at all. It just hangs for no reason. No idea what the hell is going on. I was seriously hyped to just get this done once and for all, but looks like it's back to the drawing board. Even if I somehow fix this issue it could potentially come back again on live. I don't want to chance it.

So this will be delayed further. I might look at a different forum solution. The issue with SMF is that it orders everything by ID and not by date, so that required extensive modding so I can properly migrate all the forums and have everything in proper order. Modding makes upgrading harder/impossible. The only way to fix this issue would be to reverse engineer the whole thing or upgrade or change to another forum solution. So I may have to do that. I really didn't like SMF's permission system anyway, it was super convoluted. I might reconsider phpbb, though it feels lacking in a lot of features I find.

I'm not ready to pay big bucks for a higher end one like vbulletin or xenforo so that's out of the question as well.

So yeah, I was going to actually put progress on this, but looks like it will be delayed again.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6558, old post ID:39272
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Iceteks Forums Migration Progress

Post by Red Squirrel »

Ok good news so I think I fixed that issue, it was simpler than I realized. Sometimes posting in frustration about something seems to help. :P

Downside is I wasted 2 days with this and then I won't be able to work on this for a while again. :P

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Iceteks Forums Migration Progress

Post by ycontrol »

Bump :)

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6558, old post ID:39418
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Iceteks Forums Migration Progress

Post by Red Squirrel »

Haha funny, I've seriously been thinking about this in the past few months but life keeps getting so busy. Every time I get a nice stretch of time off where I want to work on it something comes up.

I really want to get it done in the new year, I feel bad for the ones used to post a regularly, I hope they're still doing well and come back when I relaunch. Yourself, Wren, Rovingcowboy, mike-db are names I recall off top of my head but there were many others.

I really hope things calm down after Christmas as I seriously want to get it done once and for all. Plan is to launch the under development forum as-is once everything is tweaked, then I can always improve it further after.

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Iceteks Forums Migration Progress

Post by Red Squirrel »

I havn't forgotten about this I'm just a huge slacker. Just need to get my ducks in a row with my main workstation, having lot of issues but trying to get more setup for coding and stabilizing the environment. Basically upgraded to a dual 4k setup which involved needing to upgrade the hardware which lead to needing to upgrade the OS and now I'm having all sorts of issues. Once all that is figured out I have some side coding projects to do that will lead towards reusable code that will then go towards the actual site.

My setup for a long time has not been optimized for coding so every time I went to code it was just a bad experience. Once I have this setup working right it will be way better and I'll actually be motivated to code again.

I'm thinking rather than making it on I might move everything to, Iceteks is kinda dead, and I'm only keeping it alive for historical reasons and I'm not even sure what direction I'd go if I revived it. I'm kinda out of the loop when it comes to the tech scene these days. So I think moving to a forum only site and putting it on will make more sense. I have an idea for a future project that I could put there too but that's a whole other thing. Maybe 2030. :P

Plan will be pretty much the same though, combining all the forums including this one together into one single login.

I will keep this site around and the home page it's just the forum that will change. Right now I have this one and uogateway to manage, and the dead iceteks and anythingforum that I want to bring back so rather than have 4 forums it's just more efficient to have one as it's a pain keeping up with security, spam etc on multiple forums.

So yeah, I really really really hope to get the ball rolling again with this project. It's always on the back of my mind I just always have stuff that ends up taking precedence. But I'm about to seriously make this a priority I've waited too long. I will want to try to boost the forum a bit as it would be nice to get some half decent activity going like the good ol days.

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Iceteks Forums Migration Progress

Post by Red Squirrel »

This is still on the table and still ongoing. I actually did make some progress in the past few days but also been busy with other stuff in between.

Chances are I will end up calling the forum Anything Forums since I already own the domain for that, and the goal is really to have a general discussion forum to merge all the forums I manage (including 2 I had to take offline) so it kind of fits. There will be a category for AoV and UO Gateway etc as well as a bunch of other forum sections.

I really really hope to get this more or less done by fall, but I'm aiming for before. It's been too long that I've procrastinated this.

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Iceteks Forums Migration Progress

Post by Red Squirrel »

The forum and external authentication system are now working nicely together. Need to tweak a lot of things and do lot of testing, but getting there.

I am on track for having it ready by summer.

At this point the idea of having a separate auth system will feel pointless but I have plans to tie a lot of things into it including the actual UO accounts and UO Gateway shard submissions, as well as a potential Wiki.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:6558, old post ID:39690
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Re: Iceteks Forums Migration Progress

Post by Red Squirrel »

I guess this is done. :D We're now on the new forum. :banana:
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