I havn't forgotten about this I'm just a huge slacker. Just need to get my ducks in a row with my main workstation, having lot of issues but trying to get more setup for coding and stabilizing the environment. Basically upgraded to a dual 4k setup which involved needing to upgrade the hardware which lead to needing to upgrade the OS and now I'm having all sorts of issues. Once all that is figured out I have some side coding projects to do that will lead towards reusable code that will then go towards the actual site.
My setup for a long time has not been optimized for coding so every time I went to code it was just a bad experience. Once I have this setup working right it will be way better and I'll actually be motivated to code again.
I'm thinking rather than making it on iceteks.com I might move everything to anythingforums.com, Iceteks is kinda dead, and I'm only keeping it alive for historical reasons and I'm not even sure what direction I'd go if I revived it. I'm kinda out of the loop when it comes to the tech scene these days. So I think moving to a forum only site and putting it on anythingforums.com will make more sense. I have an idea for a future project that I could put there too but that's a whole other thing. Maybe 2030.
Plan will be pretty much the same though, combining all the forums including this one together into one single login.
I will keep this site around and the home page it's just the forum that will change. Right now I have this one and uogateway to manage, and the dead iceteks and anythingforum that I want to bring back so rather than have 4 forums it's just more efficient to have one as it's a pain keeping up with security, spam etc on multiple forums.
So yeah, I really really really hope to get the ball rolling again with this project. It's always on the back of my mind I just always have stuff that ends up taking precedence. But I'm about to seriously make this a priority I've waited too long. I will want to try to boost the forum a bit as it would be nice to get some half decent activity going like the good ol days.
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