Ensure your email address is valid!

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Red Squirrel
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Ensure your email address is valid!

Post by Red Squirrel »

Note: This migration has now been completed, in December 2023

In the far future, I may be merging this forum with Iceteks. This will probably require you to reset your password, which will require your email to be valid.

If an account on Iceteks exists with the same email then that will become the primary account.

I have not decided 100% how or if I will even do this, but it's just a thought at this point.

No matter what your email should always be up to date anyway, so this is just a general reminder, but if I go with this, it is very important.

It's just an idea in the air at this point.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4016, old post ID:69978
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fragged one
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Ensure your email address is valid!

Post by fragged one »

well, 18 months later...i've finally updated my email address.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:4016, old post ID:70113
no u!