Terrorist trial

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Terrorist trial

Post by Bookworm »

Should terrorists be tried in the US court system or by military tribunals?

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3971, old post ID:69596
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Red Squirrel
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Terrorist trial

Post by Red Squirrel »

I say they should just be shot on site. No trial.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3971, old post ID:69597
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Terrorist trial

Post by Chyse »

Red Squirrel wrote: I say they should just be shot on site.  No trial.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3971, old post ID:69611
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Terrorist trial

Post by manadren »

Red Squirrel wrote: I say they should just be shot on site.  No trial.
[sarcasm] Right, great idea. Because the last thing Al-Qaeda wants is for us to turn those guys into martyrs. [/sarcasm]

But to answer the question, I think the US Court system is the right place. If they were captures in Iraq or Afghanistan maybe, but what they did wasn't really in the context of any war (except in the minds of Al-Qaeda), nor are they on foreign soil, which would lend more towards tribunal. You could argue it either way though.

Personally I think trail in the US courts does less to bolster the martyr image of the accused, which is what we really want in the end. We have to handle this carefully so that it doesn't end up just being a call to arms to Al-Qaeda and it's potential members.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:3971, old post ID:69616