Will Hillary run for the presidency?

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Bookworm »

Well, will she?

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by erolyn »


Will she win?


I'm a democrat and I'd much rather see John McCain win the presidency than Hillary.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Bookworm »

McCain has set himself up very well as a more moderate person than a lot of the other Republicans, yet he has also been very loyal to Bush personally in spite of various disagreements with Bush.

Hillary has also tried taking a more moderate position on certain things than some of the other Democrats.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Stasi »

What qualification does Hillary possess that would make her a good President? If she runs, she probably won't win, unless the Reps get a total moron to run against her. John McCain, I believe, has more integrity than Hillary, and has far more going for him to make him a good Pres.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Chyse »

screw hilary, i hate her. if i was 18, i wouldnt vote for her....and by the time the next elections come up, i will be.

and off topic, but u guys kept the GG smiley WOOT! :goalguarder:
but c'mon the WW smiley??? little harsh??? lol. :williamwallace: lol

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Red Squirrel »

Speaking of ww I wonder where he is these days, have not heard of him in a long time. Maybe he's planing another cheap attack with his friends. :P

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Bookworm »

Stasi wrote: What qualification does Hillary possess that would make her a good President?
She is over 35 and is a U.S. citizen. Besides that, she has experience in Washington and she knows the issues and she knows a great many world leaders.
Being a Democrat disqualifies her from being a good president, but I can see as how some people might not agree with that.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Chyse »

first of all, republicans suck. take bush for example. second of all, hillry will still suck even though she's a democrat. she's the next george W. bush. if she gets elected. i hate that lady. i;d love ot have a woman president, it'd be a breakthrough in womens rights, cause there has never been a woman president. but i dont thing condelezza or hilary are the ladies for the job.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by erolyn »

Speaking of being able to vote...I can!!!!

My plan is to vote for every possible democratic candidate for Congress, so I can sway the majority party in the House and/or Senate, so Bush won't be able to get anything done for the next two years! Mwahahaha!

Of course, this is assuming my vote counts for crap. Which it doesn't.

But I will be voting for McCain in 08. Because not all Republicans suck, GG, just the radical ones, like Bush. Everything is fine in moderation, including both liberalism and conservativism. It's when you get people who are nutso liberals or Bible-thumping hardcore conservatives that things go downhill.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Stasi »

How is Bush a 'radical' Republican? That he's religious?

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by VictorEM83 »

goalguarder12 wrote: first of all, republicans suck. take bush for example. second of all, hillry will still suck even though she's a democrat. she's the next george W. bush. if she gets elected. i hate that lady. i;d love ot have a woman president, it'd be a breakthrough in womens rights, cause there has never been a woman president. but i dont thing condelezza or hilary are the ladies for the job.
Thus why registering to vote should require an IQ test. People who group parties should not be able to vote. Because your not getting the real picture, you vote for the people who will do the most good with the least damage in the process, Bush didn't fit that bill but look what we had as an alternative.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Bookworm »

VictorEM83 wrote: Thus why registering to vote should require an IQ test.
So who would get to decide which questions are on the test and what score is a passing score. I can just see some minority group complaining that the test is biased against them and they are being disenfranchised.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Stasi »

Bookworm wrote:
VictorEM83 wrote: Thus why registering to vote should require an IQ test.
So who would get to decide which questions are on the test and what score is a passing score. I can just see some minority group complaining that the test is biased against them and they are being disenfranchised.
Yes, a can of worms that won't be put away any time soon. As unamerican as it may sound, I wholeheartedly don't believe in universal suffrage, though I'm skeptical of instituting a process to weed out the morons who will just vote based on one single issue or only whether or not there is a 'D' or 'R' next to the candidate's name. As for an easy, or otherwise sensible way to create such a system, I don't have an answer.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by VictorEM83 »

Well not childproofing things would weed out some of the dumbest ones.

Seriously I think most people problems in poverish areas are they dont want to be better. Okay great example: My old friend michelle she blames bush for her and her sister being poor, because there isnt enough food stamps for them to live off of and they have used up all their unemployment. But the problem is the sell their food stamps to get drugs now. WTF why should they even get them(yes I reported them little good that does because her sister has a kid and they cant let the kid go hungry my though your letting a mom on drugs keep her kid and they said well there hasnt been any signs of abuse or neglect) they dont want to be better they dont try they have a free ride and they like where they are because they dont have to do anything. They grew up like that and until that free ride on welfare is gone too many people are gonna stay on it. Their friends are just like them living off the system and each uses it and yet no one stops it.

This is why Hilary will get into office is people like this. because there is a D next to her name there will be more public money.

Thus why voting should be limited to people contributing to society and not sponging off of it. People with common sense not people that are idiots. thats my beef. granted it may be unfair but being fair isnt really being fair to the people who dont abuse the system.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Stasi »

Touche, Vicky.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by cursed_prophet »

I think she'll run and she might get it. Im a liberal so I would rather see nader in there but I like G-DUB. He's a crappy president, but I think that we did need to go to Iraq but currently, its pointless.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Reaper »

Would you rather have it that we withdraw all of our forces right now or in the next 6 months? If we did, that country would collapse and Iran would be looking at it in all of it's free for the takingness.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by The Gheyness »

I hope she runs...even though she's very likely to lose.

I think she'd do well in the beginning of the pre-election phase, but her popularity would die down fast when people realized that they'd actually be voting for a woman for President. ;X

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Anonymous »

First of all I think she could run, but a female will never make it into office. As long as we are on those lines I don't an African American will ever make it into office, at least not in the near future. Reasons behind these theories, none. But just due to tradition it will be a white male, college educated, and maybe a military history.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Reaper »

I'd agree with N3o.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by VictorEM83 »

I think a woman could make it into to office. As for a african american if Colen Powell ran I would vote for him hands down no matter what party he ran under.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Stasi »

I dunno, at the risk of sounding like some ultra-conservative moron, I will say that I refuse to call a black person 'African American' unless they're actually from Africa.

That said, I like Colin Powell as well, but don't expect him to run in the next election. Also, I don't expect a viable female candidate to run in the next election either. And, unless McCain runs, we'll probably just end up with another aristocratic career politician white boy with either no military history or a dodgy one at best.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by VictorEM83 »

See my cousin married a black woman and she rather be called black because none of her family over 5 generations back she traced came from Africa.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by cursed_prophet »

Reaper wrote: Would you rather have it that we withdraw all of our forces right now or in the next 6 months? If we did, that country would collapse and Iran would be looking at it in all of it's free for the takingness.
It was running just fine before we got there, of course, with the exception of all of those poor inoccent people being killed.:( But just because a certain government type works for us doesn't mean that it will work for everyone. And even if we did pull out now, it would take atleast 6 months for all of our troops to be out.

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Will Hillary run for the presidency?

Post by Stasi »

cursed_prophet wrote:
Reaper wrote: Would you rather have it that we withdraw all of our forces right now or in the next 6 months? If we did, that country would collapse and Iran would be looking at it in all of it's free for the takingness.
It was running just fine before we got there, of course, with the exception of all of those poor inoccent people being killed.:(
Iraq was 'running fine' before the invasion? You don't seem to be aware of the effects of ~10 years of sanctions on the country.

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