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How did I know you were going to post that, Red...
For those of you who don't know how to read, or don't know how to read 13-year-old, This particular person is having trouble figuring out how to use a regular browser with AOL, ie surf the web without using the browser built into the AOL program.
Last time I used AOL [somewhere around a decade ago] AOL didn't use the standard dial-up networking stuff that every other ISP did. So it was difficult to get anything non-AOL to work over an AOL dial-up connection. Not sure if they still do that though. I try to avoid it like the plague. Back then though, there was a special version of IE that would work with AOL, which you could download. This was back when I knew very little about computers, so take it with a grain of salt.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1861, old post ID:25860
I had AOL as recently as a few years ago, even had AOL DSL (which they just recently stopped doing, I believe) and I never had any problems with using any other browsers, including IE, Opera, and Mozilla?
In fact, I didn't ever use the built in one for AOL, mostly because I thought it was way too small.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1861, old post ID:25861
I'm not adopted and I'm not an Indian.
It's just a coincidence that I have
a love of gambling and booze
and a knack for catching syphilis.
Only thing I can think of, if he's opening up IE and unable to use it, is that maybe his parent's are using AOL's parental controls?
edit: unless, of course, his IE is just hosed somehow and needs to be re-installed. Basically what I'm trying to say here is that there is no conflict or setup needed in order to use IE when you have AOL.
Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1861, old post ID:25866
I'm not adopted and I'm not an Indian.
It's just a coincidence that I have
a love of gambling and booze
and a knack for catching syphilis.