Help with car problem

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Help with car problem

Post by JaneDizzle »

hey in know this post should probably go to automovitve forums somewhere, but the truth is, i have already posted them and no response. just wondering if any of you might have some knowledge as to what might be wrong with my car. it is not the greatest car (95 dodge neon) but it hasnt failed until this cold MI weather started to kick in. last sunday, it wouldn't start and there was just over a quarter tank in there. After multiple attemtps to start it, my BF came by and shook the gas line hose under the hood and it started. I filled the tank and it has been fine. then today i go to start it and there is exactly 1/2 tank in there and it won't start. it acts like it's going to and then i just hear click click click noises. is my battery dead? dont know cuz all the lights and radio work. this is rediculous. sorry i had to try. thanks.

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Help with car problem

Post by MrSelf »

Could be lots of things. It sounds like, if your bf jiggling the gas line helped, your fuel pump may be defective. This would cause no gas to make it to the engine, but the electronics would still work. Many cars have 2 pumps, if one went out, it could function this way. Other things you may want to check: make sure your battery cables are semi clean and corrosion is not impeeding the flow of electricity where connected to the battery. That's really all the advice I can offer without having any firsthand knowledge of the problem. Hope it helps.

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Help with car problem

Post by Red Squirrel »

What kind of cold are we talking about? Since usually anything colder then -30 and it's hard to start a car and it should be plugged in.

If it's not the cold, could maybe be the spark plug, not big enough of a spark is being made, so when the gas line was shook more gas made it in so even a small spark made it start.

But thepump sounds more likely, but I don't know much about cars either so these are just guesses.

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Help with car problem

Post by shenbaw »

JaneDizzle wrote: hey in know this post should probably go to automovitve forums somewhere, but the truth is, i have already posted them and no response. just wondering if any of you might have some knowledge as to what might be wrong with my car. it is not the greatest car (95 dodge neon) but it hasnt failed until this cold MI weather started to kick in. last sunday, it wouldn't start and there was just over a quarter tank in there. After multiple attemtps to start it, my BF came by and shook the gas line hose under the hood and it started. I filled the tank and it has been fine. then today i go to start it and there is exactly 1/2 tank in there and it won't start. it acts like it's going to and then i just hear click click click noises. is my battery dead? dont know cuz all the lights and radio work. this is rediculous. sorry i had to try. thanks.
My guess is, if shaking the gas line made it start, it has to do with your gas line. ^_^ Like MrSelf said, it might have to do with you fuel pump, in which case that might kinda suck cause they're not real cheap, but chances are it very well might be something as simple as there being moisture in your fuel line. Often when it get real cold out (like here in Minnesota) and there's any kind of moisture build up in your gas tank or fuel lines, sub-zero temps roll around and that moisture freezes. When you tank gets lower on fuel it gets worse cause there's more air in your tank and more moisture to make it condense and freeze. you can buy this stuff called "Heet" from a gas station or auto shop. It's just a little bottle of fluid (like a little oil bottle) I think they recomend to add it to your tank when you fill up (might want to check that before you do it) and it's supposed to clear you lines and tank of any H2O that might be in there and possibly freezing and causing the problem. That's my only other suggestion. ;)

Good luck.

P.S. Do you plug you car in over-night? If not, I know that would help greatly with the start up the next day. If you have a block heater and an extension cord I would highly recommend keeping it plugged in, especially when it gets real cold. It's just better for your car too.

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