This is a catch all off topic forum to talk about anything not covered by other sections.
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »

okay, i now have 451 posts including this one. i need 500 to get a third block. i'm gonna post in this thread a lot about nothing som i can get the 3rd block. feel free to comment as you like, and in case of an accident your seat cushion can be used as a floatation device.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21244
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21245
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21246
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21247
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21248
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21249
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21250
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »

459 (i skipped 458 because it said 468 and i deleted that post but it still counted it)

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21252
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21253
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »

open sesamie

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21254
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »

crapping monkeys

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21255
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21256
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »

never mind

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21257
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21258
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21259
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21260
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »

a lot

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21261
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21262
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21263
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21264
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21265
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21266
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »


Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21267
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »

hey!!! read my story

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21268
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF
Posts: 1574
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:24 pm


Post by Chyse »

WARNING!!!: this story contains extremely violent scenes and any person under the age of 14 or pregnant mothers, should not read this. sorry.

The Dark of Night

“Let me have a turn!” Stasi yelled, hoping that Crystal would give her the jump rope. “Just a minute,” she replied. Crystal and Stasi lived in an old neighborhood near an old house. People said there were monsters inside and it was build on an ancient Egyptian temple. Rumor has is that the pharaoh had guards make sure it was never robbed. These guards were monsters of all kinds. Crystal didn’t believe a word of it. She was fearless and was always a leader. Stasi, who was a coward, followed her wherever she went. She believed every rumor of that house, and would never even think about going in. At 12 years old, they didn’t do many exciting things. They were both blonde and very smart.
“NOW!” Stasi screamed. “Okay, okay, calm down, geez,” Crystal replied. Just as Stasi was about to begin jumping, Anthony walked up. Anthony was a tall 15 year old. He had been to jail once for battery. But the girls didn’t care, they adored him. They dropped their rope and went to talk to him.
“Hello ladies,” he said in a deep voice. “Hey Anthony,” they replied sweetly. “I just had a thought, how would you girls like to come down to the old house with me,” he asked. Stasi began to say no, but Crystal quickly put her hand over Stasi’s mouth and said, “of course Anthony.”
“Okay, meet me there at 8:00 tonight.”
“Alright,” Crystal said, trying to cover up Stasi’s mumbling.
That night the girls started towards the old house. “Why do you think Anthony asked us to come here?” Stasi asked wearily. “I dunno, stop being such a baby,” Crystal replied. As they approached the house, they saw that the walls were cracked and the roof was leaking. They saw Anthony. He opened the door, “Ladies first,” he said. Crystal walked in dragging Stasi in behind her. Suddenly Anthony slammed the door shut. Stasi screamed.
“Shut up!” Crystal commanded her. Crystal had no idea why Anthony had shut the door on them, but she continued on anyway not knowing what would happen next.
They walked down the creaking corridor. “C-C-C-C-Crystal, I’m scared.” Stasi chattered. “You big wimp,” she snapped. They continued down the hallway. Crystal stopped. “What’s wrong, why’d you…..” Stasi stopped as well. A white figure appeared. It’s blood smeared fangs were the size of knives. It opened it’s mouth and hissed violently at the girls. “RUN!” Crystal yelled. The girls ran as fast as they could towards the door. They got there and both grabbed the handle and pulled with all their might. It wouldn’t open. Anthony chuckled at their futile attempts at escaping. They ran to the window. The monster was creeping closer by the second. Stasi picked up an old brick and smashed the window open. They climbed out the window onto the soft grass.
They ran to the front of the house hoping to find a way home. Anthony was there waiting for them. He grabbed Crystal by the neck and held her up to the door. Stasi backed up before Anthony could notice her.
“Why are you doing this?” Crystal screeched through Anthony’s hands. “Why, you ask? Because every day, you girls walk up to me and you never stop babbling. I’m tired of hearing your horrid voices! ”Stasi grabbed a piece of shattered glass from the window.
“Now, suffer!!!” she heard him yell. Stasi ran up behind him and stabbed him in the back, severing his spine. Crystal was shocked as he fell at her feet. Crystal ran up and hugged Stasi. “Thank you for saving me. that was the bravest I’ve ever seen you. Let’s go home.” The girls walked towards their houses. “You were really brave back there Stasi, I’m really proud of you….Stasi….STASI????” Crystal turned around. Stasi was gone. Crystal ran back in hopes of finding her friend.
“CRYSTAL!!!!!” Stasi’s voice cried from a distance. Crystal ran as fast as she could. She saw Stasi tied to a tree. There was a beast next to her, drooling. It had come from inside the forest. It had large teeth and hair all over its body. It was hunched over, looking at her. It was going to eat her! Crystal ran over and jumped on the beast. It shook furiously trying to get her off. Crystal took a pen from her pocket that she had from school that day. She popped off the cap and stabbed the beast in the neck. It fell to the ground, Blood streaming from its veins. Crystal quickly got up and untied Stasi.
Before she could say anything else, the grass turned into a silver liquid sucking them both underground. They found themselves in a temple. Looking around, they saw statues of cats. Suspiciously, the statues all had red eyes and were surrounded by darkness. A shadow crept up the wall and then moved onto the floor. It touched Crystal’s feet. She jumped up to try to get it off, but it clung to her body. It crawled up her like a scarab, and finally devoured her head and turned her body to ashes.
It was coming towards Stasi. She paused and shrieked with fear. It was at her feet when she heard a noise. It was the sound of a cat, hissing at the shadow. The shadow backed down and went to the wall. A cat walked up. Its eyes were glowing bright red. Its fur was yellow, its tail was orange. Then the cat uttered a chant, “Hexpath Alox Miamos!!” it chanted in a deep voice. Instantly, Stasi threw her head back and beams of darkness streamed from her eyes and mouth shattering her body, consuming it in the dark of night.

Archived topic from Anythingforums, old topic ID:1609, old post ID:21269
"Your neighbor was kind enough to let us rip him off and burn his furniture for no reason."-ATHF
"He said no, Err. With his foot." -ATHF
"Please, stop fueling my silent rage." -ATHF